Don't worry...B. Whitty

Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm getting bad for remembering to blog. I really hope it's not the onset of alzheimers...though it won't be an issue if I can't remember anything. :) Nothing spectacular is going on. I had sit downs Wed & Thurs night. One of which is a coworker on Mat leave so it was REALLY nice to see her and her hubby. I'm tired because I keep thinking it's a good idea to stay up late every night. :( I need something more fulfilling to help me wind down. I'm thinking that eliptical will do the trick!

Hmmm...I went to Costco today...that's big news. :) Did some C'mas shopping for the fam and got L's diapes & wipes. I bought this delicious bag of dried fruit and nuts. Normally I wouldn't eat it but I tired it and love it! I have a pretty sweet wknd lined up! I have quilting class tonight and scrapping class Sunday afternoon. Tomorrow night there's a bachelor/bachelorette party. DH's going, I'm staying home. I was out 3 nights this week and truthfully, I'm not up for a "bender" so I'm gonna chill and watch a DVD with the girls. I got a free copy of a Dora Halloween DVD. The girls are gonna love it! Well, that's about all from me. Now to get enough energy to get me through to 5pm. UGH!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Switching things up!

DH went over to his aunt's yesterday for a sit down and she's giving up an eliptical machine. Thankfully it's not the Tony Little Gazelle (we don't need to rehash that story, do we?). hehehe So, where to put the thing? We've been toying with putting L in the bunkbed with E. We tried it one night and she cried like crazy...I think more because she didn't want to go to sleep. Nothing to do with the new bed. And of course the crying kept E up. So, we're going to try again. E's going to sleep with Nana for a few nights while we get L adjusted. Once L's okay in the big bed, E can go back in the room. I'm sure it'll be a rough go till they get used to it...but I think it's better in the long run.

Sooo we can get rid of the crib (yeah). I may move her change table in E's room which means I have to move E's toy chest out...or to a better spot (hmm). Then I can move my craft table into L's room...and put the eliptical in my room. We still haven't decided to move the computer out of our bedroom. I think it's a good idea. That way, we can shut the door on the den (L's room) and no have to worry about them getting into my craft/our computer stuff. Hmm...big decisions, but I live for organization. Whatever I can do to make things easier for my life.

Well, I must get going. Chiro appt at 1...just a tune up. See ya!

I have a few people that could use our good thoughts/prayers: Michelyn and her dad (and family); baby Kenton; and Jeff & I could always use some for our business. (Hey, if you don't ask, you won't receive, right?)
God Bless

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunshine after the rain

Okay, my optimism is shining through. :) It's a gloomy, cloudy, cold, damp day but it's fantastic to be me! After last week I feel so empowered. I just keep talking to people, sharing this incredible knowledge, and I know someone out there will benefit from it. Truly, we all can...but not everyone will allow me to help them. Like I said, I can only help those that want to be helped.

I think everyone's been so beat down, and sceptical, they won't even consider listening. Honestly, do people think I've got some crazy hypnotic capabilities to make them do something they don't want to do? Or that they know everything about finance that they couldn't use this information? I'm not trying to "pull the wool" over anyone's fact, I'm shining a light on the injustice in the financial industry. I can see why so many give up on this business...but I won't be one of them. It's too important a fight to just give up. And you never know who will come around eventually and take the help. What an amazing feeling!!!!

What's even more amazing is how much I've grown through this business. Last night the team met at the was so awesome. Everyone encouraging each other. This is total self improvement. Read Dr. Phil, Oprah or someone else inspiring, or join Primerica . You'll get more out of it by doing it, living it than reading a book, I can tell you that much. I feel more confident to talk to people. I am pumped by all that I've learned and how much it can change people's lives. And I'm totally open to the possibility of a greater life for me and my family. The journey has just begun.


Friday, October 16, 2009

An Amazing Life!

Wow...I'm just over the moon, heart-racing happy! Life is sweet and I want to remember this moment every day that I slow down. Yesterday was incredible! I met (and drank with) a guy who made $380K last year...which was a "bad" year for him. :) The things I got out of the workshop, the people, it's just made me even more fired up about the crusade we're on to help families like mine have a better life!!!! I know people are jaded. I don't blame them. I've been ripped off too!!! It's a freakin' disease!!! And now, I have the cure. I offer it to everyone. If it's not accepted, there's nothing I can do about that. But at least I feel good that I put it out there.

Tonight is the 2nd day of the PFS Atlantic Conference...the AGF Road Show! I'm near out of my skin with excitement!!!!!!!!!!! What we can do for people's retirement will blow your MIND!!! Seriously, it's life changing. If your happy to be a Walmart greeter in your retirement, have at 'er. But if you want to ENJOY your retirement, ask me about this. Can you guess what I'm gonna do?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So yesterday was a good day. DH & I went to our weekly meeting together. Although it's about the business, it's nice doing something, anything, together. Afterwards a few stayed behind for's a Christian DVD series. Now don't panic...this business isn't turning into a cult. I'm Catholic so a Christian DVD is perfectly acceptable to me. In fact, it's nice to meet like minded people who are young and not afraid to share their faith. The DVD wasn't long and we had a really nice discussion afterwards. When you think of the world we live in and all the bad that's going on, it's easy to get lost in that fear/hurt/anger/despiration...all those emotions. The same applies to our own personal wonder how you'll ever get out of it. But funny...when you have a center to your life, the worry goes away. Not to say nothing bad will ever happen to you, but if you have a source of strength to rely on, the bad times don't seem so bad.

I've shared some of my personal troubles pretty openly...okay, all my troubles. ;) But in the past few months, I haven't talked about it as much. I think it's because I feel more secure about it. Truly, DH & I are in the worst shape financially that we've ever been in. But that's okay, cause "the Lord will provide" and He has. I mentioned this last night, as I have before, about the little birds. The Lord said the little birds don't worry where they're food comes from because they know their Father will provide for them. So why worry? Do you ever notice when things go bad, they eventually end up working out? How do you think that happens? Magic? Call it God, the universe, whatever you want, but there's something out there bigger than us with a plan all their own. There's just one thing I want to leave you with that I heard last night that really changed my perspective about my struggles. "Stop telling God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is." Way cool.

So, tomorrow I took a vacation day. I'm out for a workshop in the afternoon with 2 $600K+ earners from Primerica and again in the evening. And Friday night 3 guys from AGF (the top investment firm in NA) are coming to talk about RRSP leverage. If you're interested in saving for retirement and getting a $6K+ tax refund, send me a message!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wow...major deliquent

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I blogged??!!! I'd love to say I was away on a 2 week vacation to somewhere hot but alas, no. Just got busy/lazy and didn't report in. So, here's the dish from the last 14 days.

I took Oct 2nd off and rewrote my Provincials...and passed!!! (Most of you probably know that by now via FB.) friends Jason & Rayanne got married and that was a fun time. Jeff went to the bachelor party the Thursday prior and got larengitis...and had to read at the wedding!!! He managed to squeek it out. :) And he also filled in for honour guard...which led us to picking up, hemming and ironing a new pair of pants the day off the wedding...yikes! Let's see...I met Shay for sushi on the 7th...yum! It was so nice to catch up but I swear we need a week of sleepovers to do that. :) I went to E's daycare on the 9th for pumpkin pie. They had pics of them making it and I really enjoyed eating it. What a good job they did. :)

After daycare we did the long trip to CB for Thanksgiving. Got in after midnight and up till nearly 2 with L...she was wide awake and ready to party. :) Saturday was a play day at MJ's in the morning/lunchtime. After L/my nap we went to Walmart to get E new sneakers (hers had holes in them!!) and then Auntie Debby's for turkey dinner...ABSOLUTE PERFECTION! In the p.m. Andrea & I watched My Life in Ruins while DH met up with his cousin. Sunday we went to church then visited Grampy Jack and out for lunch. In the afternoon, Andrea & the boys, and our crew (minus L) went to Hank's Farm in Millville. The kids played in the bouncy castle, saw the animals and went through the corn mase. I picked out a pumpkin for Granny and a few odds & sods. We had a yummy turkey dinner afterwards. Then yesterday was the long drive home arriving at bedtime (the best time). :)

Today's excitement is a new pair of shoes from Oh My Sole...expensive but they fit my orthotics (man I sound old). They're cute too so that's a plus! Anyway, it's after 5...gotta run!

Monday, September 28, 2009

On the Mend

Well no wonder I was cranky last week. I was obviously fighting off a rotten cold. I went home early Thursday and stayed home Friday. I slept for 3 hours Friday afternoon!!! It really took me down. Cold, cough and sinus troubles, which I'm prone to. I'm not sure if I have a sinus infection but it's quite possible. I read up online and a medical website said if it's a viral infection, antibiotics won't I'm staying away from the doctor...but taking Advil cold & sinus frequently. I only had 2 pills this morning...and may take 2 more before bed, depending on the pain. I do a sinus rinse (I know, sexy) daily (sometimes twice) and that helps somewhat. But overall, my sinus just aches.

The wknd was more of the same. I went through more tissue than I care to admit. I did manage to take the girls to the playground...never again by myself. Too hard to watch both girls at once. It was a lot of chasing around. A good workout but tiring when you have a cold. I picked up DH after training and took the kids to Burger King cause it was late. L cried throughout most of the meal. She was so exhausted. She fell asleep on the way home and slept well after we got in. Both girls have the cough and L has a cold/runny nose/eyes too. Poor dolls. Hard being cross with them when they're sick and cranky or up in the night. Not impossible, but hard. ;) Also on Sat we cooked a pumpkin so we'll have pie for Thanksgiving. :) E asked to make one on Sat. Daddy agreed to get the pie shells (hey, I am insistant on homemade vs. canned pumpkin but I don't make pie dough...hehehe). It did turn out good but the eggs keep separating and sometimes I have egg white cooked on top of the pie...grose!!! I'm going to try pureeing the mix and see if it evens out.

Sun was a stay home day. I just rested up...oh, and tore apart the girls toys. So many little garbage toys from fast food places, and broken things, and loose playing cards and puzzle pieces. So that meant re-organizing the girls rooms and the living room (where most of the toys are). We also painted and coloured, watched movies and I did some cleaning. Man, I could probably do all the cleaning in an 8 hour day if the kids weren't around...though I'd rather spend it doing something fun. :) Well, that's all for now. Fall is so fun!!! Cook a pumpkin. I got 18 cups in my freezer!!! Mmm...pumpkin pie, pumpkin loaf, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin mousse...